

Become a Volunteer

HRF spends more than 90% of the funding on the development and betterment of the target communities. It believes that it is the right of the most vulnerable and neediest families and population to spent most of the donations and funds on their protection and support. HRF does not hire a big team. It works through volunteers. HRF gets the services of volunteers for all sectors. It trains the volunteers and gets their services in the field assessment, distribution of relief goods and foods, etc. We require the services of qualified volunteers in the field of IT, social media, project management, monitoring, and reporting. We need the services of good photographers and video makers in different parts of the country.

Become a Internee

HRF offers internships to fresh graduates. The purpose of this program is to provide a platform to the young graduates, where they can learn practical skills, techniques, and methods of social development and project designing and management. The interns also go through rigorous on-the-job training in the humanitarian and development field. It gives these professionals to get a career path in HRF or go out and search for a career in their chosen field in any national or international organization. HRF invests a great number of resources for the development of these new graduates.

Become a Sponsor

The major funding portfolio of HRF is coming from the private donors, comprised of professionals, businessmen, private sector employees, public sector employees, women, industrialists, etc. Every sponsor provides funds for the field of their interest. Several donors are interested to sponsor an orphan and give us money for the orphan’s sponsorship program, others are interested in the provision of clean drinking water to the neediest communities, some provide us funds for the construction of small housing units for the homeless or having broken down house. We provide support to the needy population without any discrimination. We keep only the need as our top priority. 


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